Your generator is the source of all the power in your home, so we want to ensure it’s in good working order. If a storm, hurricane, or power outage strikes, 你的发电机 之后可能需要立即修理. For those in or near Charlotte, NC, you can always count on 欧博平台allbet官方,冷却 & 电 to meet and exceed your needs for generator repair.
请致电 (704) 233-7656 or 在线欧博体育allbet for all 你的发电机 maintenance or repairs, and we’ll make everything right, guaranteed.
给你的同类签名 发电机需要维修
The sooner you repair 你的发电机 professionally, the cheaper and quicker it’ll be. 如果你注意到这些迹象, you’ll need to contact technicians before it becomes more costly and interferes with your daily life. Here are just a few signs that 你的发电机 needs repair ASAP:
- 你的发电机没有启动: Even if 你的发电机 starts after a few tries, don’t brush aside this warning sign. There are multiple reasons why this problem is occurring, and professionals will be able to help you diagnose it right away.
- Visible wear on the electrical components: If any wires appear damaged, it’s time to repair them. Exposed wires are electrical and fire hazards and should be treated with severe caution.
- 内部或外部泄漏: If you notice any fluid accumulating around 你的发电机, have it examined by a professional immediately. Look for puddles that might be coolant or oil. 如果有燃油泄漏, you’ll smell gasoline and need to have it taken care of by professionals immediately.
- 它提供了减少的功率流: This might be due to 你的发电机’s batteries running low on voltage. Like a car’s battery, there might be corrosion around cables that would need cleaning. If this doesn’t help solve the problem, your battery will need to be replaced.
如果你注意到这些迹象, call Acosta at (704) 233-7656 or 在线欧博体育allbet 安排维修服务!
How To Tell When To Replace Your Generator
Sometimes, 你的发电机 is beyond repair. 这可能是由于多种原因, but some of the most common ones include damage or the age of your equipment. Like most mechanical equipment, a generator can last only so many hours. If you notice any of these issues with 你的发电机, you might need it professionally replaced:
- 经常出现问题和定期修理: If you’re regularly having issues with 你的发电机, 结合不间断维修, 是时候换一台新的发电机了. You’ll save more money in the long run and won’t have to worry about another repair too soon.
- 燃料使用量增加: 当你的发电机老化, it will start consuming more fuel than usual without any increased load or other change. This is due to its age and the wear and tear on different internal parts.
- 输出功率不一致: Generators are designed to provide steady power. 如果输出功率波动, this is also a sign that internal components are starting to malfunction. 可能有些部件坏了, so if more than one part is breaking down, you might as well swap out your entire generator for a new one.
常规通用的重要性 发电机维修
Since generators are sophisticated equipment, you need professional maintenance performed on them annually. 然而, if you’re using 你的发电机 regularly, you’ll need to have it checked anywhere from two to three times within the year. Having this done provides you with multiple benefits:
- Professionals can help identify and replace parts before they become damaged to the point that they affect other parts.
- 从长远来看,这可以节省你的钱.
- There may be changes to parts due to movements or wear and tear.
- Your technician will adjust everything, so it all works together more efficiently.
Maintaining 你的发电机 is essential to keep it running all season long. 打电话给阿科斯塔 (704) 233-7656 今天 安排日常维护.
我们的团队 Acosta is a family-run and long-standing business 这提供了一个 安心保证, so if you are dissatisfied with the service you received, you can let us know. We’ll provide an additional visit at no charge. Along with cleaning up after their work is complete and wearing booties in your home to ensure your floors stay clean, all our techs uphold these high standards:
- 彬彬有礼
- 背景调查和药物筛选
- Receive ongoing training to the highest standards
关于发电机, we offer everything from repairs to installations, 维护服务, 和替换. Our prices are fair and will save you time and money in the long run. We’re always ready to help you with no delay, so call us with any questions today.
For quality generator services you can trust for your Charlotte, NC, home, 在线欧博体育allbet 或者今天打电话给阿科斯塔 (704) 233-7656!
What are the different sizes of generators?
The size of a generator is not referring to how big it is physically. When referring to a generator’s size, this rating states its electrical capacity. When choosing the size of 你的发电机, it will depend on the total wattage from the load amount of everything you want to power.
Generators vary in price according to their size, 不管它们是否便携, 还有其他功能吗?. Portable generators usually start around $3,000, and standby generators go for double that.