夏洛特以性感著称, 潮湿的夏日, 寒冷的冬天, 以及介于两者之间的一切, so you’ll want a reliable system to provide your home with the heating and cooling you need throughout the year. Heat pumps are a great option if you want a system with both a heating mode and a cooling mode.
我们的阿科斯塔欧博平台allbet官方,冷却 & Electrical team can help you determine if this system is the right choice for your home’s comfort needs and provide you with professional services to meet all your HVAC needs.

To learn more about adding a heat pump to your home or our heat pump services, contact 给阿科斯塔的团队打电话 704-233-7656.
当试图弄清楚热泵是否适合你, 考虑一下你房子的细节是个好主意.
Heat pumps perform their best anywhere that doesn’t spend much of the winter below freezing. They can be as much as 5 times more efficient than electric furnaces when it comes to turning electricity into heat. 更高的效率为您节省更多的能源. When temperatures drop to freezing, heat pumps lose some of their efficiency. When this happens, they are about equal to a furnace in terms of efficiency.
Heat pumps are known to be more efficient in homes that have enough space to be comfortably maintained over time — smaller homes can have trouble finding a heat pump that’s a good fit for efficient operation. You’ll also want to consider the state of your insulation and whether you require fast, 来自火炉的高温让你保持舒适. 为您的家庭确定最佳尺寸的热泵,看看这个 热泵尺寸指南.
Of course, many of these problems can be resolved by pairing a heat pump with a furnace to enjoy the best of both, 但如果你看其中一个, 你需要考虑这些细节.
试着决定热泵是否适合你的家? 在线联系阿科斯塔团队 or call 704-233-7656 了解更多.
You don’t have to settle for a heat pump that’s not heating or cooling your home efficiently. 当你发现你的系统没有像它应该的那样有效地工作时, 向阿科斯塔的专业人士求助,以获得快速可靠的服务 热泵维修. We offer prompt services and are available day and night to get your system running again.
- 欧博平台allbet官方或冷却质量差
- 不寻常的声音
- No airflow
如果你注意到这些热泵信号, 联系阿科斯塔小组 at 704-233-7656 安排今天的服务.
When you’re ready to install a heat pump system as your cost-effective and reliable heating and cooling system, 向阿科斯塔寻求专业帮助 安装服务. We have over 50 years of experience installing HVAC systems for homeowners throughout the Charlotte area. You can count on our team to install a heat pump that’s energy-efficient and reliable.
有兴趣在家里升级到热泵? 与团队成员交谈 在线联系阿科斯塔 or calling 704-233-7656.
热泵为您的家庭提供了很多. Here are just a few reasons you might want one installed instead of another heating system:
- Offers energy efficiency far beyond other technology when temperatures are above freezing
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- Gentler, more temperate heat that won’t dry out your home like a forced air furnace
- Only use electricity and refrigerant — no risk of gas or water leaks like a furnace or boiler might have.
- Can be used for ductless systems for easy climate zoning, reduced space use, etc.
热泵的安装和更换是一项重大投资. The price of a heat pump installation can vary from household to household. 欧博平台allbet官方,冷却 & Electrical understands that getting a system replacement can be a daunting task but we’re here to help. Use our 在线系统报价工具 比较不同的产品. Our tool can help you find the best heat pump product to fit your budget. 我们很乐意帮助您找到您会喜欢的系统!
If you want to keep your heat pump running as efficiently as possible for years to come, 你会想要建立例行公事 维护服务 with Acosta. Our experienced and knowledgeable team will perform a thorough inspection and tune-up on your unit to ensure you have reliable comfort in your home for every season.
You can ensure your heat pump’s performance year after year by enrolling in the Acosta Club 接受日常的专业保养. We take care of the scheduling for you and show up on time to perform a thorough checkup and tune-up.
要了解更多欧博体育allbet维修计划的信息, 今天联系阿科斯塔 at 704-233-7656.
Ready to install a new heat pump as your home’s heating and cooling system? 求助于阿科斯塔值得信赖的专业人士. We have access to top brands and will help you choose the right one for your home and budget.
Our certified technicians are dedicated to your home’s comfort needs and are here to service your HVAC system throughout its life span. We have over 50 years of heat pump experience and provide a peace-of-mind guarantee to ensure you’re always satisfied with our work and results.
安排服务 和阿科斯塔的谈话 704-233-7656.
Is it true heat pumps lose their effectiveness at certain temperatures?
Heat pumps perform at less than 100% efficiency at temperatures 20 degrees or lower. That’s why people who live in regions where outdoor temperatures often drop below freezing typically 使用电炉锅炉或其他类型的欧博平台allbet官方系统. North Carolina nighttime temps are generally above freezing in the winter, 所以这不是问题.
是的,只要它们的尺寸和位置合适,热泵就可以 高效舒适地为您的家供暖. While single heat pumps work most efficiently in homes with more open floor plans, 新技术提高了他们的运营效率, so heating an entire house with a heat pump is an attractive option for many homeowners.
热泵利用电来传递热量, 而不是产生它, so they can be much more efficient than other conventional pieces of equipment. A high-efficiency heat pump performs the same functions as five major home appliances: heaters, 欧博体育allbet, 室内空气过滤器, 除湿机,以及吊扇.
- 为什么我的热泵在外面很冷的时候还吹冷风?
Can I still set separate temperatures in different rooms if I install a heat pump?
Yes! If you want to fix room temperature imbalances or are looking to save on your utility bill, 你可以在现有的暖通欧博体育allbet系统中添加分区, 包括一个热泵. 分域系统 让你在不同的房间保持不同的温度, 所以每个空间都是你想要的舒适水平. Once installed, each zone can be individually controlled, which also helps you reduce energy costs.